Museums Galore

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Oh my Oh my- I went to the Louvre, like any good French tourist would do…  I was there for hours and I did not even see 1/3 of the place.  Someone told me to see the Mona Lisa, so that’s what I went to first, looking at the different art as I made my way in that direct.  I have tons of pictures, and I wish I could have seen more!  I think I could have spent my whole vacation in the Louvre.

The pyramid that was added later was also a popular attraction above and below ground.

There were so so so many different types of art at the Louvre, and I only managed to see a fraction of it.  I was still incredibly impressed.

There were lots of nooks (with REALLY FAMOUS PIECES IN THEM) and I found one with a girl painting.

More to come from the Louvre….

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