Go Natural or Go Home

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Today’s post is to give a little insight into my portrait sessions.  My strategy is to make my lovely models and customers feel as natural and comfortable as possible.  Sometimes to their surprise, I ask my models where they would like to have their photo shoot.  I have found that the pictures seem much more special to the models when they get their pictures back and they know that they took those photos at a location that makes them happy and is special and unique to them.

I do not shoot my photos in a studio as a personal preference (I have seen beautiful photos done in studios!).  I believe natural light is the best light, and I stick to that as much as possible.  I also really enjoy the creativity that is encouraged when I’m given a new location.  I have found you can make beautiful pictures just about anywhere.  It’s all in what you do with it!  😉

And because every post is improved by a photo… Here are some little creatures in their own natural habitat, our backyard fig tree.

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