Birthday Girl turns 1!

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The perfect birthday means having lots of cake, ice cream, and being surrounded by all of your friends and family… and sometimes a moon bounce.  That’s exactly what Maddy got this past Saturday for her 1st Birthday party.  The party was Princess themed, with great weather, lots of presents, and plenty of tasty food.  Maddy and I got along fine, because she also seemed to love the camera and we both love the color pink.  While, I’m a little too old to be a Princess, I just loved watching Maddy enjoy her special day. 

Maddy really wanted to be a Princess on Saturday, so she even had some wardrobe changes.

The major themes of the party were castles, pink, presents, and lots of love.

Maddy is just the cutest little girl.  I’m sure the years will fly by, so Jessica and David better enjoy the cuteness while they can!

One of the biggest hits at the party was the moon bounce.  This comes highly reccomended to any event where kids will be in attendance.  It’s great for getting out all that energy, and it’s better than video games!

In the end, the birthday party was a big success.  Happy Birthday Maddy!

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