Oh Baby!

 In Families and Kids

While the weather outside was frightful, we didn’t let that stop us from getting in our photoshoot of Baby Madelynne.  Baby Madelynne was a perfect angel at her photo shoot, and her mom Amber knew how to make her look her cutest.  I think Madelynne and I might have the same favorite color!  Working with babies is always scary, because you never know how they are going to act on that day, and saying “please” or “smile” doesn’t always work.  Madelynne must have been okay with me though, because she gave me beautiful shots, made easy by her beautiful eyes and cute face.

The pink outfit in her little pink chair was my favorite! Pink, flowers, and pearls- LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Right before we were about to call it a day, we had 5 minutes outside with no rain then we had to run back inside again!


Madelynne was always watching her parents.  You can tell they love her and she loves them.  She didn’t want them to leave her site. 

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